Ethics And Sourcing
Where do the animals come from? A question I am asked ALOT and also a question I am very confident in answering. The longer I have grew my business' the more opportunities I have had to work with some wonderful creatures. Animal welfare is very important to me and most of the other taxidermists i have met, the love for this art does not come from a passion for death or suffering, but for the love of the wonderful creatures we share this world with, the love i, myself and others i work with have for animals is beyond average, we simply cannot bear to see something so beautiful and precious become nothing.
You can always ask me anytime for a specific backstory on what you are purchasing and if i have one i will give it to you.
Animal Sanctuary's/Rescues.
- This is one of my main sources of deceased animals that I work with as you will be aware animal rescues attend many different cases, some pleasant some not. Having done rehab and rescue work myself i know many places whom are happy to send me animals who have sadly passed away naturally or been put to sleep and i donate in return money to help the animals who are still in the rescue, my donation and your orders help feed, medicate and house many injured and sick animals.
Insect Farms/Conservation Program's
- All my insects are from countries like Australia, Asia, North, Central and Southern America rainforest areas. Less than 7% caterpillar eggs survive in the wild and in the captive breeding programs 70-80% survive a large percentage of these are then released back into the wild to conserve there natural habitat and prevent extinction. Not only does this help the natural eco system but produces work and farms for indigenous people.
Reptile Breeders/Hobbyists
I often get offered reptiles from many reptile breeder/hobbyists. These are hatchlings that were failures to thrive and adults who have died from old age and illness that was incurable.
Natural Finds
Lots of skulls i find my self whilst out in nature or friends who hike pick them up for me i know other skull collectors who find duplicates of things they don't need whilst out and they sell them on to me and other taxidermists for crafts. These are then cleaned and used in art.
Road Traffic Accidents also leave a lot of animals on the roads which i pick up pretty much every time i drive out.
Lots of my animals come from donations, puppies and kittens are from people who's beloved pets have sadly miscarried or had a still birth.
I do upcycle lots of vintage unloved taxidermy which i don't know how the animal met their end as it was taxidermied before i was even born!
Having a ethical and a cruelty free way of working is very important to me, and if you would ever like to know a more in-depth conversation of my sourcing methods, unsure of something and or would like to know about your new specimen then please feel free to either email me or direct message me on my social medias.